
2007-02-05 2:40 pm

回答 (4)

2007-02-05 4:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-02-05 08:44:55 補充:
參考: 問佢喇..**
2007-02-05 5:32 pm
2007-02-05 3:22 pm
1. She try to test you if you are little air, and can you handle her friend.
2. She is not familiar with you yet as a BF, so want to protect herself, and may not trust
you enough.
3. She does not want to be the focus, and may not even want to see your face too much
in the first date.
4. She give you chance, that is the fact, so you are still in good shape.
5. Give her 3 times, if you allow it, she is worthy to be treat this way.
After 3 times, if she is still using you to spend money ...
just stop calling her ... and if she call back, you say, "I am not a rich guy,
even I love you, I cannot afford to handle too much spending ... see what
she say later."
6. One important point, if a girl really like you, she will start to save money for you,
and won't allow you to spend a lot ... trust me on this one.
7. She is too shy maybe, so she does not want to be alone with you so she go to
restroom with friend, very normal, dont be over-sensitive...
8. Love takes time ... don't rush too fast, just let this kind of thing happen for couple
9. start to call her more, once a day if possible... let her to get that habit of hearing
your voice before she sleep. Always work ...
10. When time is right, you tell her, you just want to be alone with her, no one else,
the reason, simple, "YOU ARE SPECIAL, I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU"

hope all helps

2007-02-05 3:17 pm

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