英文grammer問題,,,急知!! 20分 幫幫手!!!!!!!!唔該晒

2007-02-05 7:08 am
Lessons are seldom boring.
Thus,students would more concentrate on lessons.

問題!! concentrate洗唔洗加ed~~~
仲有...用in 定on....
concentrate 跟on...lesson跟in...~!咁點算!??????

定係 Thus, students would be more concentrated in lessons.

回答 (5)

2007-02-05 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

仲有...用in 定on?係on

Thus, students would be more concentrate in lessons??
點解要加be,原因係would係一個model verb,後面唔會就咁跟adjective(concentrated),所以要加個be.

所以正確:Lessons are seldom boring.
Thus,students would be more concentrated on the lessons.
Lessons are seldom boring.
Thus,students would concentrate on the lessons.
2007-02-05 11:08 am
Lessons are seldom boring.
Thus, students would concentrate more in the lessons.

Concentrate can be a verb (For example: I can't concentrate on my work these days), and the word "more" should be added after the verb of the sentence.

If you use the adjective "concentrated", it is usually used to describe objects, like solutions. For example: Please be careful when handling this bottle of acid, it is highly concentrated.

I choose "in" instead of "on" because the action of "concentrating" is during the lessons, and they are not concentrating on "doing" something. I personally prefer to use the word "during" before "the lessons".
參考: myself, I live in the US
2007-02-05 8:24 am
Lessons are seldom boring.

Thus,students would be more concentrated on lessons.

2007-02-05 7:51 am
It is known that lessons are seldom boring.
Thus, students (become) more concentrated (during) lessons.
2007-02-05 7:27 am
Thus, students would be more concentrate during the lessons

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