
2007-02-05 4:35 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-05 11:49 pm
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正片(又名幻燈片) 相對於負片而言,有正片,其記錄顏色和運作原理都與負片相反,正片有一個特色是它在菲林上記錄的影像會與原來的影像顏色一致,所以我們才把幻燈片稱為正片。
現是流行的Ektachrome用E-6 process,原理就有點像彩色負片了。
正片有個比負片差的缺點,就是寬容度低,即要求曝光非常準確,而負片一旦under或over 少少都可以用後期黑房技術修正。
2007-02-06 2:13 am
In addition for same film speed, negative would give a grainy images, (which maybe a good thing, depending on what u r shooting & what u r lookin' 4.) Also, generally speaking, negative is a high contrast media, compare to slide.

Historically speaking, the first photo is a positive image, which we called slide. It generated by fixing the image in projected on the wall of a church tower in Paris, throughout a pinhole made on the window, 1831. Negative was found around 5 years after that. The most popular negatives during that time, are paper, glass and metal negative. They had various adv & disadv.
Paper is cheap but not likely light sensitive.
Glass the finest image, richest tonal rages, but, heavy to carry and fragile.
Copper, the shortest exposure time but, highest contrast and flammable

They are similar to the film that we are using now. A layer of emulsion was sprayed onto the medium. Many alternative processing/ real "Pin-hole" (not snap shot) photographers still make their own film.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 02:07:08
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