phy果d CRO點睇GA?

2007-02-05 3:51 am
phy果d CRO點睇GA?....X/Y軸表示咩GA~?

回答 (1)

2007-02-05 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
先看以下 CRO 的用法:
Usage of CRO:
(I) Measurement of current

Connect the input of a CRO across a standard resistor (with known resistance) which is in series with the circuit as shown below.


Voltage reading shown on the CRO screen and current can be obtained from I = V/R.
(II) Waveform display

Time base must be switched on in accordance to the frequency of the signal.
Connect the signal to the Y-input of CRO.
Waveform is displayed below with a sinusoidal and square waves as examples:

(III) Measurement of period and frequency of a signal

Time base must be switched on in accordance to the frequency of the signal.
Connect the signal to the Y-input of CRO.
Period T is given by time base × length of 1 cycle and frequency f = 1/T. An example of trace is shown below:


(IV) Measurement of phase difference between 2 same frequency signals

Dual-trace (double beam) CRO must be used.
Time base must be switched on in accordance to the frequency of the signal.
Connect the signals to the 2 Y-inputs of CRO.
An example of trace is given below:


For this example, V2 is leading V1 or conversely, V1 is lagging V2. Moreover the phase difference θ is given by:
θ/2π = t/T
由以上用途可見, 當 time base on 時, X 軸所表示的為時間差距 (差幾多視乎個 time base set 了幾多). 而 Y 軸所表示的為輸入電壓的值, 至於幾多亦係視乎個 Voltage gain set 了幾多.
參考: My Physics knowledge

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