40分 有關於新出的 Nike + ipod 跑鞋

2007-02-05 3:14 am
hi,請問有無人買過nike 最新出果款 ipod 跑鞋??? 如有,大家覺得好唔好跑? 同埋果舊感應器所計出泥的距離同步速準唔準?? thx

回答 (1)

2007-02-05 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
請閱讀下列文章對產品之專業評價 (由於產品太新, 未有中文評論可供參考):

"Apple Computer Nike + iPod Sport Kit"

Pros(好處): A tiny pair of wireless add-ons that turn an iPod nano and a pair of shoes into a miniature personal running or power walking tracker, adding easy-to-use time, distance, and calorie-based workout options to the nano’s existing menus. Impressive male or female voice feedback automatically or manually updates you on your progress towards goals without requiring you to look at the screen, or interrupting your music; on-iPod and on-computer data viewing options able you to track your performance over time. Spectacular Nikeplus.com web design makes comparative data viewing fun; integration with iTunes makes it easy. Reliable, generally accurate accelerometer hardware, backed by a wide variety of good shoe designs.

Cons(壞處): Accessory is physically compatible only with specific pairs of one company’s sneakers, unless user manually modifies or augments other models. Entire system needs to be replaced when sensor’s battery dies, partially forgivable only because of low price. Doesn’t - as of date of review - work with iPods other than the nano. Other than shoes, company’s supporting Nike+ apparel needs a little iPod integration work.

簡單來說, 好處既話似乎是計算器之準確度幾可靠, 又話唔會點樣點樣妨礙一般iPod功能云云, 唔好係隻Sensor只跟呢一種產品Model兼容(除非用家可以自我改良一下), 而且隻Sensor D電用完就要成隻換(不過評論者話買個隻唔算貴喎?!), 兼且iPod nano唔用得云云!

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