我係一個 seller , 想問下paypal (20分)

2007-02-05 2:49 am
我係一個 seller , 想問下paypal
只有 hsbc a/c

我想問下, buyer 透過 paypal send $ 比我,
我可以將這些$$ 匯 返去自己個 hsbc a/c ma ?

另外,我在 (Add a Bank Account in Hong Kong) 中 o既
* Account Type: ( Checking) ( Savings ) 應該是選擇什麼?

之後o念住 add 我個 hsbc a/c
但係打5到最後1個 number ,,即係我acc# 係有10個 number
now 只打到9個 -o- (Between 6 and 9 digits)

完全5識用 ><


thx a lot

YUP...我真係有10個 # 4XX-4XXX-3XX 甘點算??????

回答 (1)

2007-02-05 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
我可以將這些$$ 匯 返去自己個 hsbc a/c ma ?
Yes, surely.

( Checking) ( Savings ) 應該是選擇什麼
Either is fine. No difference to Paypal. Consider if the buyer were in HK, which account you would tell him to send money... then you know the right choice for you. I picked Savings as it gives interest.

HSBC a/c number has only 9 digits, how come yours have 10??!!
It should have this format 004-xxxxxx-yyy
Your will just type in xxxxxxyyy.


C How is using Paypal everyday.

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