many / many of!! please tell me urgent

2007-02-05 2:10 am
what is the difference between many and many of?

when use many and when use of?

回答 (2)

2007-02-05 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

many 同 many of 後面都係跟 countable nouns (可數名詞)

E.g. There are many apples on the tree.
E.g. Many of the students in the class like Miss Chan very much.

不過 many 係直接形容後面既名詞..
而many of 係指後面既名詞中既一些, 一部分
e.g. Many problems arise from misunderstanding. 很多問題由誤會引起
e.g. Many of the problems above arise from misunderstanding. 以上的問題中有很多個都是由誤會引起.

即係話, 就咁用many就係冇指定講某些事物
而用many of就多數係講緊指定既野既其中一些事物

所以.. many of後面好多時都跟 pronoun (代名詞)
因為代名詞都係指定既事物, 多數係前文已經提及
參考: 自己 (主修英文)
2007-02-05 2:31 am
~follow by a COUNTABLE noun
e.g.I have many friends.
There are many apples on the table
~follow by PRONOUN(i.e. it, them)
e.g.I saw a handbag yesterday.Well,I have many of them!(handbag)
that means I have a lot of handbags(same kind) at home
參考: ME

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