
2007-02-05 12:47 am

回答 (1)

2007-02-05 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I call myself a panda with a panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), normal and, with one kind of mammal belonging to bear department, do two colors of colors of a body with black and white. A panda grows up in a mountainous district around Sichuan Basin of middle western district in China, and, with a Chinese special wild animal, it is 亦為国宝. 是一 winds up the animal which danger approaches and I am low and and, in the whole world, about around 3,100 exist and demand a high thing for living environment by birth and breeding rate in large measure. [1]

There is much another name in a thing of the panda ancient and modern times: 貅 of 貔, panda, bamboo bear, white bear, Hanaguma, tapir, sinter bear, bear of a trick, silver dog, bear of big 浣, 峨 are warped; and, 執夷 of a hole of 杜, 貊, an intense leopard, a beast of an intense family name and a beast of the iron which ate. I separate bears, and a panda is be Hara.

As for the name, this animal has two kinds of names in Chinese in pursuit of the root: A panda and a panda. One kind of its origin preaches and talks about 1869, and it is a Japanese pampas grass of French Catholic early Christianity in Japan Arles·Virtue (Armand David) of Devi recognizes panda afterward, and it is 于熊科 of reversion as "a monochromatic bear" to give "a panda" naming. After 2, a zoologist is investigated on-site more, and study that it is vested in a panda department, and do it with "a panda" in it more; name it it. I open up that I ran that an animal specimen once in Chongqing Beibei museum exhibits it in 1940's. Assume it a panda in those days; name it it, and a model of its face resembles a cat, and is round that much, and but, as for the meaning, a whole figure seems to be a bear by a shameless thing again. By how to write common 都習慣右到左 in Chinese user tradition, as for the panda, one word writes a method of 右到左 at the time of a reason thereby. An adjective is normal, and it is put that I all let go of the front of a noun in normal Chinese grammar. It is thought that a general person belongs to bear department by a panda; that is why, as for the cat, a bear is a noun with an adjective. Therefore, as for the panda, one word is compared with Chinese grammar. It arrives at it in 1940's, and a lot of Chinese users already start how to read Chinese of 習慣左到右, and therefore it is it, and, as for "the panda" model print which Chongqing Beibei museum exhibits, all members are misread immediately in those days by a panda. Pre-existence Sichuan is slightly prevalent, and, after this, as for the panda, one word already starts that have that get up, and can stream down false をゆすることを if go with this condition; particularly leave; can reach it slightly today, and 人也 of a department uses a word of 1 of a panda immediately very much; particularly fitted it.

But I think that a person is elaborate equally and preach and am wrong. A panda and a panda start that two kinds of preaching 従一 did not have established opinion immediately. [1]

As for the panda, one word freezes in Mainland China, and Malaysia and Singapore spread most; thus freeze in Taiwan by calling itself it that vomit it, and a panda compares common use, and but there is a person panda again.

Kind information

"The thumb" which I get that I grasp Takeko, and have begun to evolve can hand over a panda, and know it
[I edit it]I am distributed
I am important, and a panda lives in - of 3,500 meters 1,400 meters above see level, and forest of wide Kano of fallen leaves, wide 混 of a needle exchange a mountainous district clump of bamboo of 林和亜高山針葉樹林帯. I am important and am distributed over the Shaanxi southern part in China, and it is the ground of Gansu and Sichuan.

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