
2007-02-04 9:46 pm

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2007-02-04 9:53 pm
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科學首先指對應於自然領域的知識,經擴展、引用至社會、思維等領域,如社會科學。它涵蓋兩方面含義:1)致力於揭示自然真象而對自然作理由充分的觀察或研究。這一觀察通常指可通過必要的方法進行的,或能通過科學方法(scientific method)——一套用以評價經驗知識的程序而進行的。2)通過這樣的研究而獲得的有組織體系的知識。




Science, in the broadest sense, refers to any system of objective knowledge. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organised body of knowledge humans have gained by the outcome of such research.

Fields of science are commonly classified along two major lines:

Natural sciences, which study natural phenomena, including biological life;
Social sciences, which study human behavior and societies
These fields are empirical sciences, which means the knowledge must be based on observable phenomena and capable of being tested for its validity by other researchers working under the same conditions.

Mathematics is sometimes classified in a third grouping, called formal science, having both similarities and differences with the natural and social sciences. It is similar to other disciplines in that it involves a careful, systematic study of an area of knowledge; it is different because of its method of verifying its knowledge, using a-priori rather than empirical methods. Mathematics as a whole is vital to the sciences; indeed, major advances in mathematics have often led to critical advances in the physical and biological sciences. Certain mathematical approaches are indispensable for the formation of hypotheses, theories, and laws, both in discovering and describing how things work (natural sciences) and how people think and act (social sciences).

Science as defined above is sometimes termed pure science in order to differentiate it from applied science, the latter being the application of scientific research to specific human needs.

民主從其字面上來看(源於希臘文δημος demos;人民;κρατειν kratein;統治),代表著由人民統治。至於民主的統治方法、以及其「人民」的構成範圍則有許多不同的定義,但一般的原則是由多數進行統治。民主通常被人與寡頭政治和獨裁政治相比較,在這兩種制度下政治權力高度集中於少數人手上,而沒有如民主政治一般由廣大人民控制。民主一詞經常被使用於描述國家的政治,但民主的原則也適用於其他有著統治行為存在的領域。

Democracy (literally "rule by the people", from the Greek demos, "people," and kratos, "rule"[1]): System of government where the majority of political power rests with a nation's population, either directly or through elected representatives. Citizens have the right to participate in political debates and legislation. Democracy is not an Ideology, but rather an ideal that can be reached or embodied by various institutional arrangements according to one's ideological concepts. Today, the term democracy is often used to refer to liberal democracy,[2] but there is no necessity that democracies be liberal (i.e. respectful of individual liberty and property) and in some cases may be illiberal democracies. There are many other varieties and the methods used to govern differ. While the term democracy is typically used in the context of a political state, the principles are also applicable to other bodies such as intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, grassroot organizations, labor unions, industry trade groups, professional bodies, and learned societies.

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