
2007-02-04 8:51 pm
The cow lives in the meadow/in a meadow.
The monkey lives in the woods/in a woods.
The house lives in the grassland/in a grassland.

應該用a 還是the

The big lives inside the fence.

sorry, 打錯字 應為The horse lives in the grassland/ in a grassland. The pig lives inside the fence.

回答 (2)

2007-02-04 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該用 the

The house lives in the grassland.

The big lives inside the fence.

2007-02-04 15:10:30 補充:
The pig lives inside the fence.↑呢句有D怪怪地....我覺得改做 "The pig lives inside the farm." 會好D。

2007-02-04 15:11:17 補充:
The horse lives in the grassland.↑呢句OK~

2007-02-04 15:29:00 補充:

2007-02-04 15:32:28 補充:
如果你用 "The monkey lives in a woods." 既話,咁我覺得將 woods 改做 forest(森林) 會好D。
2007-02-04 9:41 pm
1. The cow lives in a meadow.

2. The monkey lives in woods.

3. The horse lives in a grassland.

4. The pig lives inside the fence.

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