請問who 同whom 點用?

2007-02-04 7:58 pm
請問who 同whom 點用同有咩分別? 可唔可以舉D 例子? thx!

回答 (1)

2007-02-04 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Q: Who has eaten the apple? A: Tom has eaten the apple. (要求的答案Tom是subject,所以用who問。)
Q: Whom are you talking to? A: I'm talking to Peter. (要求的答案Peter的object,所以用whom問。)

不過在現代英語中,用who比whom更普遍,即"Whom are you talking to?"多變成"Who are you talking to?"。


1. I will only tell the secret to that person. I can trust that person. --> I will only tell the secret to whom I can trust.
2. I have fallen in love with her. I met her in Bangkok last week. --> I have fallen with love with whom I met in Bangkok last week.

以上兩句,that person和her都是object,所以變成clause的時候用whom來指示。這些時候whom不能用who所取代。

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