
2007-02-04 4:53 pm

回答 (8)

2007-02-04 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I feel very sorry about that I forgot to write the name of the important country on the letter I had post to you last time. And now, I would like to post the letter to you again. What do you think?

2007-02-04 09:13:14 補充:
我想問你指ge''忘記寫重要的國家名''係指一d好重要ge國家ge名,例如中國, 美國, 英國...定抑或係指對個收信人好重要ge國家名?如果係前者就用上面個個如果係後者就係that後面改做''I forgot to write the country name which is very important for you on the letter I had post to you last time.如果你個句野兩個解釋我都估錯, 就麻煩你寫清楚d, 我可以幫你再譯.

2007-02-04 09:14:20 補充:
如果你要寫ge國家名多過一個就將country 改做countries.同埋你係問佢好唔好再寄定係你以經決定寄比佢, 如果唔問佢而直接寄就可以唔洗加後面what do you think個句~
參考: myself
2007-02-04 9:47 pm
I apologize for forgetting to write the important country name on the letter, which sent you before. Whether I should send it to you again or not?(So, I send you again, OK?)
2007-02-04 6:29 pm
I feel sorry,when I Send the letter to you i forget write the country's name so i send the letter again yes or no.
2007-02-04 5:13 pm
Really embarrassed, when I mail letter to you, forget to write an important national, so I sented again to compare you, ok or not
2007-02-04 5:05 pm
I am very sorry!!!! When I sent this letter to you, I forgot to whrite name of country,so I send this letter to you again,is it okey?

參考: ^_*~
2007-02-04 5:04 pm
Is really embarrassed, when I mail a letter for you, forgot writes the
important country family reputation, therefore I resend have compared
you, is good.
2007-02-04 4:59 pm
i am so sorry! when i sent you lettre i forgot to write down the country name. so i send it for you again.
參考: me
2007-02-04 4:58 pm
Very sorry...When I sent the litter to you,I forgot to write the country name.I will send you the litter to you again~

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