如何列印excel文件, 由sheet 1開始以後的都要用橫向,而且每頁邊界固定不變?

2007-02-04 1:45 pm
現在要每頁由sheet 1到30都要重新設定列印邊界, 是非常麻煩呢!共有14個活頁簿, 真煩!

回答 (1)

2007-02-04 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要選all the sheets (or the sheets that you want to have same margin and print in landscape). To select all the worksheet, press and click all the sheets or the sheets that you want to have same margin and print in landscape.

After selecting the sheet, 設定列印邊界和橫向, 便會apply to all worksheets ga la.

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