
2007-02-04 8:59 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-04 9:09 am
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我上2個星期比個滅火筒跌落黎整到腳趾公, 同你一樣隻趾公腳甲下面黑晒全部係瘀血
睇醫生話應該會散(每個人情況唔同), 但亦可以選擇"放血", 即係醫生用針"篤"穿隻腳甲等d瘀血走出黎...但會超級勁痛!!! (十指痛歸心呀!!)
仲有條件係..最好在受傷當日放, 因為過左後d血一凝固左就篤黎都放唔到. 而且唔小心處理個傷口搞到細菌感染就仲麻煩
2007-02-04 10:22 am
If the blood cloded. You can gently massage the toe and apply warm water. This can help the capillaries to bring the blood out. Because the wound is inside the toe nail, it is cover by a hard substance. The result maybe not very effective. I pretty sure the nail will be replace by new nail faster than the massage. If the blood cloded in skin, the effect of warm water will be more effective and efficient.
2007-02-04 9:03 am
佢自己會隨住d 腳甲生長 退出黎架喇~
唯有著d 鬆d o既鞋 or 拖鞋

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