升上中六,自己的英文好唔掂,想補習"補底",但唔係要教做past paper果d,補邊個好?

2007-02-04 8:42 am
升上中六,自己的英文好唔掂,想補習"補底",但唔係要教做past paper果d,補邊個好?

回答 (5)

2007-02-04 8:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
補amanada tann,佢會教你skills
唔做past paper(如果做,都會改到好難給你做)

drtann.com 去li度睇

2007-02-04 00:50:14 補充:
2007-02-04 8:50 am
Patrick Chan 現代
He taught me english when i was Form 5. He focuese on teaching basic grammar and useful idioms or vocabularies at the begining. Your English will be improved step-by-step during his funny classes.
參考: Me
2007-02-04 8:49 am
英文不過三個s .
simple , straight and sensible.
我諗你唔要做pass paper ..似乎係連基本野都唔係好掂.
2007-02-04 8:48 am
actually what do you reckon is your main problem? Do you want some private english lesson to teach you english as a daily language? please email me [email protected]
參考: ME
2007-02-04 8:47 am
tell u some hints,

get some english net friends

get a dictionary, read some english newspaper

speak english

do some writing

listen to english news

2007-02-04 00:50:05 補充:
everybody knows it but no one does it...Don't start to do something if u can't hold frim to it.

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