西式素菜 食譜** (( 主菜)) ***急~~

2007-02-04 7:49 am
西式素菜 食譜*** (( 主菜 ))

** 做法 ??
** 調品料 ??
** 材料 ??

回答 (3)

2007-02-08 3:13 am
焗 薯 皮

材 料 : 5 克香蔥
60 克脆煙肉
80 克車打芝士
70 克酸忌廉汁
1 個美國薯仔

做 法 : (1) 先將薯仔連皮烚熟,然後將其一開為二並起
(2) 薯皮放入熱油中炸至金黃色。
(3) 將煙肉,芝士釀在薯皮內,放入焗爐焗至芝



材 料 : 1 粒蒜頭
1 個洋蔥
900 克馬鈴薯

調味料 : 15 克牛油
300 毫升牛奶
150 毫升濃忌廉
100 克車打芝士

做 法 : (1) 馬鈴薯去皮,洋蔥及蒜頭切碎,車打芝士磨
(2) 焗爐預先開至 180 度 (350oF/煤氣4),
(3) 用牛油略炒洋蔥和蒜頭。
(4) 馬鈴薯切片,與洋蔥隔層的排放在一個耐熱
(5) 牛奶放鹽和胡椒粉,然後倒進鍋內,加蓋,
(6) 將車打芝士與忌廉拌勻,均勻地灑在馬鈴薯



材 料 : 3 個薯仔
1 個洋蔥
1/2 杯牛奶
80 克芝士
300 克牛肉碎

做 法 : (1) 先把薯仔去皮切薄片,然後浸於清水中約五
(2) 牛肉切碎;洋蔥切絲待用。
(3) 將焗爐預熱至 200 度備用。
(4) 用猛火燒熱油鑊後加入少許油,放入牛肉炒
(5) 薯仔抹乾後放於牛肉與洋蔥上面,再加上牛
(6) 把焗盆放入焗爐中焗五分鐘,然後取出加上



材 料 : 1 個椰菜花(約一磅)
1/4 杯麵飽糠
1/2 杯芝士茸
3 湯匙芫茜碎
1 杯罐頭忌廉湯
2 安士牛油(切片)

調味料 : 4 杯滾水
1/2 茶匙鹽

做 法 : (1) 椰菜花洗淨,用半茶匙鹽及滾水灼熟備用。
(2) 將白汁及芫茜碎拌勻,淋在椰菜花面,再灑



材 料 : 1 條大荵
8 片芝士
15 克洋荵
10 克牛油
30 克金菇
150 克粟米
80 克蘑菇
1/2 茶匙鹽
1/2 個青燈籠椒
1/2 個紅燈籠椒
1/2 個黃燈籠椒
2 湯匙橄欖酒

做 法 : (1) 先將各燈籠椒、洋荵及大荵切條:蘑菇切片備用。
(2) 以牛油塗勻錫紙兜底,將洋荵、大荵、各燈籠椒等所有材料層層
(3) 放在燒烤爐邊煨四十分鐘至芝士完全溶掉,最後加入白酒即成。



材 料 : 3 個薯仔
4 茶匙蒜茸
1/2 杯煙肉碎
1/2 杯洋蔥碎
1/2 杯鮮蘑菇粒

調味料 : 鹽及胡椒粉各少許

做 法 : (1) 先將薯仔洗淨,蒸熟去皮,切片備用。
(2) 燒熱一湯匙油,爆香煙肉碎,放入洋蔥,蒜茸
(3) 將以上材料放入早已預熱焗爐內,焗至表面呈


2007-02-05 1:31 am
意 式 焗 素 菜 配 番 茄 檸 檬 汁
Ingredients ︰
焗 素 菜
茄 子 ︰ 40 克 , 切 條
意 式 青 瓜 ︰ 40 克 , 切 條
意 式 黃 瓜 ︰ 40 克 , 切 條
紅 甜 椒 ︰ 20 克 , 切 絲
黃 甜 椒 ︰ 20 克 , 切 條
鹽 、 胡 椒 碎 ︰ 適 量
橄 欖 油 ︰ 適 量

番 茄 檸 檬 汁
番 茄 ︰ 1 個 , 切 粒
橄 欖 油 ︰ 30 克
檸 檬 汁 ︰ 半 個
芫 荽 碎 ︰ 2 克

1. 所 有 的 素 菜 切 條 , 放 烤 盤 上 , 用 鹽 、 胡 椒 碎 及 橄 欖 油 調 味 。
2. 放 進 焗 爐 以 150 度 焗 15 分 鐘 。
3. 取 出 後 將 素 菜 交 叉 的 排 在 碟 上 。
4. 另 一 邊 將 番 茄 粒 、 橄 欖 油 、 檸 檬 汁 及 芫 荽 碎 攪 勻 後 , 淋 在 素 菜 面 及 碟 邊 即 成 。

1. 青 瓜 、 茄 子 、 甜 椒 宜 選 飽 滿 亮 澤 才 新 鮮 。
2. 橄 欖 油 要 指 明 用 拌 沙 律 的 才 好 。
2007-02-04 10:55 pm
The recipe may be a little complicated, but it is the most popular vegetarian dish in my restaurant.

Portobello Wellington with Miso cream broth, serve 4

1 pack Philo Pastry, thawed
8 medium size Portobello mushroom, stem removed
250g Spinach
3 large Red Peppers, roasted and skin removed
1 cup of Quinoa, can be replaced by Lentils, wild rice or barley
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 stalk Thyme, or 1/8 tsp dried thyme
1 L mushroom stock, made from mushroom stem, shallot, thyme and bay leave
1/2 cup cream
1 clove garlic
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Miso cream broth:
1 tbsp Miso
1/2 cup Whipping Cream
1-1/2 cup muchroom stock
1 br scallion, finely chopped

1. Line a baking tray with parchment paper, place portobello caps on the tray and drizzle with olive oil and pinch of salt and pepper. Place in a preheated 350F (175C) oven and roast for 10 minutes or until soften. When done, remove and set aside.

2. To roast red pepper, repeat (1) by rubbing the whole red pepper with olive oil and roast in oven until the surface of the red pepper is darkened. Remove from the oven and cool with foil cover on top. When they are cool enough to handle, the darken skin can be easily remove by fingers, cut them in half and remove all the seeds and stems. Place them on paper towl to dry.
NB: Roasted red pepper can also be bought at supermarket in jars.

3. To cook Quinoa; heat a medium size pot oven medium high heat, add oil, lightly brown the shallot, add qunioa and cook until they are lightly toasted. Add 1/3 mushroom stock, bring back to boil and turn down to a simmer add thyme, stir constantly until 80% of the liquid had been absorbed by the grains. Repeat by adding stock 1/3 at a time, remove from hea, cover and let it sit for 5 minutes. By then, the quinoa should be transparent in colour. Season with salt and pepper.

4. To cook the spinach, heat pan with oil, sweat the garlic and cook the spinach, season.

5. To form the Wellington, place a piece of philo pastry on a large cutting board, brush with olive oil then place another piece of philo right on top. Brush the top philo with oil again, fold in the philo to form an A4 size sheet. Place a place of portobello on top of the philo at the centre and 3 inches from the bottom edge. Then a piece of roasted red pepper, spinach, 2 tbsp cooked quinoa, spinach, red pepper then finish off with another portobello. Now you should have a "mushroom burger" on the philo pastry. Fold in the bottom edge, two sides, and rool up to form a parcel, "a Wellington". Brush the outside with more oil.
Place the wellington on a baking tray, place in 350F oven and bake until golden brown.

6. For Miso cream broth, put all ingredients except scallion in pot, bring to boil and season. Finish with scallion.

To serve, remove wellington from oven, cut it in half diagonally to show the inside layering. Pour some broth on the plate, place one half of the wellington inside down, the other half standing up with inside facing out. Garnish with vegetable of your choice.

Bon Appetit...
參考: self

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