
2007-02-04 7:05 am
Underline and correct the mistakes of the following sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence.

(1) Which of these two books belong to you.
(2) Curry and chicken are very popular in Hong Kong.
(3) The number is applicants are small.
(4) She is one of the girls who has ben chosen for Best Students of the Year.

請幫忙 thx

回答 (4)

2007-02-04 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
睇黎呢條問題係考你Subject-verb Agreement:

(1) Which of these two books belong to you.
-->Which of these two books BELONGS to you.
應該係belongs (有s)配合返which, 即係單數

(2) Curry and chicken are very popular in Hong Kong.
-->Curry and chidken IS very popular in Hong Kong
curry and chicken係一味餸ge名,當第三身單數

(3) The number is applicants are small.
--> The number OF applicants IS small
要用is因為係講緊number (一個數字),好易俾applicants ge眾數陰到

(4) She is one of the girls who has ben chosen for Best Students of the Year.
-->She is one of the girls who HAVE BEEN chosen for Best Students of the Year
佢係眾多個女仔入面ge一個,have係refer返 girls, 而唔係淨係she一個
參考: 主修英文
2007-02-04 7:26 am
(1) Which of these two books belongs to you?
(2) Curried chicken is very popular in Hong Kong.
(3)The number of applicants is small.
(4) She is one of the girls who has been chosen for the Best Student of the year.
2007-02-04 7:14 am
(1) Which one of these two books belong to you?
(2) Chicken curry is very popular in Hong Kong.
(3) The number of applicants are small.
(4) She is one of the girls who has been chosen for the Best Students of the Year.
2007-02-04 7:09 am
1. Which one of these two books is belonging to you?
2.Curry and Chicken are very popular food in Hong Kong
3. The number of applicants are small.
4. She is one of the girls who has been chosen for the Best Students of the year.

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