讀psy of management/ marketing 的出路

2007-02-04 5:02 am
我依家報左Monash University 的Psychology of management/marketing , 其實我都唔係好知係讀psy 定係business ge...

1. 呢科讀咩架???
2. 我想知有咩出路架???做邊一行或者薪金如何???
3. 可唔可以讀MBA架???
4. 讀埋MBA 會好d定係無咩所謂架???
5. 係香港讀MBA定係係個度讀埋呢???

回答 (1)

2007-02-04 11:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Major: Psychology


Psychology is the study of the way humans and animals interact and respond to their environment. The manner in which they do is called behavior.

Psychology combines humanities and science. Psychologists try to discover why certain people react to certain aspects of society and the world at large in a certain way, and from those reactions, they try to deduce something about the biology of our brains and the way the environment influences us. Sound complicated? It is, but it's also a profoundly fascinating major. If you major in Psychology, you'll look for the essence of why people are the way they are, from their personality type to their sexual orientation. Within this broad framework, Psychology majors focus on such features of the human mind as learning, cognition, intelligence, motivation, emotion, perception, personality, mental disorders, and the ways in which our individual preferences are inherited from our parents or shaped by our environment.

With a strong background in research and the scientific method, a Psychology major pursues a field of study that seeks to educate, communicate, and resolve many of the problems surrounding human behavior.

Sample Undergraduate Curriculum

General Psychology
Research in Psychology
Social Psychology
Psychology of Childhood
Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
Introduction to Psychobiology
Learning Memory and Cognition
Quantitative and Statistical Methods
Psychology of Personalities
Counseling Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Organizational Psychology

Related Careers
Advertising Executive

Career Counselor


Guidance Counselor

Marketing Executive



Social Worker

Substance Abuse Counselor
參考: the princeton review www.princetonreview.com/major

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