
2007-02-04 4:12 am
我的主機版p4s533vm agp 4x 32bit
cpu p4[2.4]
技嘉的gv-n76g256d-rh[NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS 7600gx]????

回答 (3)

2007-02-04 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
但係你所講ge GV-NX76G256D-RH 係PCI-E卡來~
Grandmars GF 7600GS AGP8X 256M DDR2 $850

2007-02-10 18:39:00 補充:
樓下...你個建議...唔係唔好ge~~但係一手基本上唔會比你搵到...我只見過ASUS P4GD1同P4GPL-X係咁支媛~二手lee兩塊都已經難搵...一手真係...==2.4其實唔係太熱~我自己都用緊P4 2.4GA~31層pipeline stage~應該係2.4G入面533MHz FSB以下最熱果粒la~但係idel得38-42度~full load都係得47度...仲要係原廠散熱器tim...熱?

2007-02-11 15:59:15 補充:
係la...Antec唔係唔好~~只係要睇係邊個系列lor~~因為佢唔係大廠~唔同系列ge牛都有唔同OEM廠~有好有唔好~TP、TP-II、TP Trio同Neo HE就係靚野~但係剩低果個就唔好提佢la~~如果話要靚牛~AcBel、Severteam、Delta、SPI都夠平靚正~而且...佢部機正正常常咁用~推兩三個harddisk加個DVD-RW咁~350W都夠~再者~如果換板~再換卡~邊度夠直接換卡咁好?又唔係冇同級AGP賣~
2007-02-08 4:39 pm

I think AGP 4x mainboard....
1- Of course, it doesn't support 76000GS or gx
2- I suggest you get another mainboard first...
you can find a better mainboard... first hand, you can go to Golden center Sham Shui Po, if you want to save money, you can go to some GOOD small repair shop to find some good condition 2nd mainboard...Asus or Gigabyte are good choice...
3- P4 2.4 is a very very HOT cpu already, you need a good performance CPU fan.e.g. Zalman...GF 7600 very hot Display card too... get a best heat release model don't just buy the card with cheap price, otherwise you are going to lose more $, it damages other parts or the display card or mainboard...
4- You also need a good quality Power transformer.e.g. Antec 400 or 430 with PCI plug model....
5- Upgrade this card with a lot of money...and you need 2 X 512MB DDR for your XP and let this card runs smooth...
6- Sorry personally, if needed to spend that much $ for game...I perfer to get a PS3 for game... of course, it depends on you can accept PS3 game or you must pay online game....since computer not only designed for game....but PS3...Professionally designed for game and the quality of the visual is better of course...

Sorry, all the suggestion, I just want to save Yahoo friend's money

Please feel free to email and discuss...

Many Many Thanks
2007-02-04 4:15 am

2007-02-03 20:21:40 補充:

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