
2007-02-04 2:35 am


回答 (2)

2007-02-04 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
有部份相機係有內置記憶, 而大部份相機到係有得放memory card(即記憶卡),如果想將d 相過落電腦用usb 線就得,
至於memory card 亦都可以用card reader(讀card 器)就可以

ps. 其實有card reader(讀card 器),係可以唔洗用條usb 線,
不過usb 就比較方便少少, 唔洗每次都要拎張card 出黎.


2007-02-03 19:33:26 補充:
如果唔用讀卡器, 咁就要用usb 線,一定係其中一樣.你架係咩牌子機?影幾多張相係視乎你影o既相的pixels,如影pixels 越高的相, 所佔用的memory 會越多.個人覺得1GB比較唔洗就住黎影,自己用2GB的..可以去呢度睇下d價格 http://price.uwants.com/ui/index.jsp?cid=100030

2007-02-03 21:35:25 補充:
Polaroid(保麗萊)也很出名, 我也有用過Polaroid 的即影即有相機..從呢度睇 http://www.dcviews.com/_polaroid/5350.htm應該係呢架, 都有5.3M /pixels (即500萬像素),又有得錄video,如果係一般使用, 應該係唔差!

2007-02-03 22:45:14 補充:
問題解決左就ok 喇~ :-)至於過相到電腦問題, 就留代你的朋友替你解畫..

2007-02-06 21:52:08 補充:
試下去my computer 度睇下有無,如果接到o既話應該會係果度見到.其實windows xp 係會自動播放(播放前佢會問你要點)1.如果佢有跟disc 你可以試一下install . or 2. right click my computer 內容 硬體 增新硬體精靈 入面跟住佢一步一步咁做
2007-02-04 9:07 pm
From the link you provide

Manufacturer Polaroid
Model PDC 5350 PDC 5350

System Type Digital Camera-Camcorder
Standard Memory 16 (Soldered)
Maximum Memory 256 MB
Sockets 1
Slots/Banks 1
Installation Notes N/A

The camera, only take a max. of 256 SD card, to save you money (the camera maybe faulty or having some other problem) , you better ask your friends to borrow a 256 Mb SD card and try try first. Some PC have multiple card reader installed near the area for CD/DVD rom and floppy. If so, you cn read the SD direct. Otherwise try to borrow a card reader as well.

My guest is, the camera maybe a earlier model which may at most with resolution of 1Gb , judging from the max. size of SD card it support.

Before investing anything, try to borrow the accessory to test the camera thoroughly before spending more money on it.

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