question about Programming Language

2007-02-04 2:09 am
1. How many Programming Language now people use?

2. What is high-level programming Language?

3. What is low-level programming Language?

4. What is assembly language?

5. What is compiler for programming language?

6. What kind of Programming Language we used for mobile phone application?

回答 (1)

2007-02-04 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. C, C++, Java, Visual Basic

2. High-Level Programming Language is a programming language that abstracts, easy to use and more portable across platforms. Such languages often abstract away CPU operations such as memory access models and management of scope. C++ is an example of High-Level Programming Language.

3. Low-level programming Language is a language that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's microprocessor. Assembly Language is an example of Low-Level Programming Language.

4. Assembly Language is a low level language using mnemonics, abbreviations or words that make it easier to remember a complex instruction and make programming in assembler an easier task.

5. Compiler is a computer program that translates programming language into machine understandable language (binary code).

6. Mobile phone applications often use Java.

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