Passive 問題....

2007-02-03 9:05 pm
好似the water is distilled

但係點解有堆字話一定要用passive form?
(be) accustomed to,based on
呢個passive同上面水個passive 係咪唔同?


ericlai32:咁點解based on會係passive,,,會被基於的咩 唔係應該主動

回答 (2)

2007-02-04 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
base 以 ( 某事物 ) 為另一事物之根據

I base this novel on historical facts .
我以 ( 這小說 ) 作為歷史事實的根據 .
this novel 就是 base 的受詞 , ( active form )

This novel is based on historical facts ,
這小說被作為歷史事實的根據 , (passive form )


accustom 使 ( 某人自己 ) 習慣於某事物

I accustomed myself to this new way of life ,
我使 ( 我自己 ) 習慣了這種新的生活方式 ,
myself 是 accustomed 的受詞 , ( active form )

I was accustomed to this new way of life ,
我被使得習慣了這種新的生活方式 , ( passive form )
= 我習慣了這種新的生活方式 ,

有不少動詞的過去分詞模式都可用作形容詞 ,

accustomed 本身亦是形容詞 , 可作定語用 ,
my accustomed seat 我常坐的座位 ,

accustomed 亦可作表語用 ,
I was accustomed to his strange ways ,
我習慣了他那些奇怪的做法 ,
( 這樣的句子跟 passive form 沒有分別 )

2007-02-04 01:41:53 補充:
補充 :這樣的句式可以不視作 passive form 解 ,如同 :I am afraid of dogs ,主詞 動詞 形容詞 ,,,,,,,,I was accustomed ,,,,,,,,,,,主詞 動詞 形容詞 ,,,,,,,,,,,
2007-02-04 5:58 am

用番你"水"果個例子,the water is distilled,其實都可以寫做distilled water,只係睇下你個句子想點寫

而關於點解有堆字話一定要用passive form,係因為有d你想講o既意思一定係passive而唔會係active.好似你想講蒸餾水,就一定要寫distilled water,因為d水一定係要被蒸餾左至可以叫做蒸餾水。而the water is distilled只係話d水被蒸餾左。

參考: myself

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