How to use the tenses?

2007-02-03 8:59 pm
Please provide the website founded in the internet that show can you how to use the popular tenses such as present ,past, past participle, present participle..... something like that!

Thanks alot!

回答 (1)

2007-02-04 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since there are quite a number of websites in which you can learn tenses, I would just list some of them which are simple and easy to understand.

- 英文文法基礎:
(This web is in Chinese and it covers not only tenses, but also other grammar tutorial)

- English Club
(This site includes all the common tenses with tabels and examples)

- Englishpage
(This web is useful as it provides explanation, examples and exercises)

- HK Education City
(This site is for HK students and you can find many resources related to English and other subjects)

I hope these can help you!
參考: myself

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