
2007-02-03 8:45 pm

回答 (2)

2007-02-04 2:12 am
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International or "English" snooker is the most widely played form of snooker around the world. It is generally played on 6'x12' English billiard tables, with cushions that are more narrow than on pocket billiard tables and which curve smoothly into the pocket openings.

Players : 2


Balls Used:

Set of Snooker balls: fifteen object balls that are not numbered and are solid red (called reds), six object balls of other colors that are not numbered (called color) and a cue ball (called the white ball). Point values for object balls: red-1, yellow-2, green-3, brown-4,
blue-5, pink-6, black-7. In International Snooker the balls used are 2-1/16" diameter.

The Rack:

Play begins with the balls placed as in the diagram above. The pink is spotted on the Pyramid Spot. The apex ball of the triangle of reds is racked as close as possible to the pink without touching it.


Points are scored in two ways: players are awarded points for fouls by the opponent (see Penalties For Fouls below), and by legally potting reds or colors. Each legally potted red ball has a point value of one; each legally potted color ball has a point value as indicated (Balls Used above). A frame ends when all balls have been potted, following the Rules of Play; if, however, only the black (7) ball is left on the table, the frame ends with the first score or foul. If the players' scores are equal after that scoring, the black is spotted on its original position and the layers lag or draw lots for the choice of playing at, or assigning opponent to play at, the black ball with the cue ball in hand within the Half Circle, first score or foul then ends the frame.
想知更詳細玩法 同 規則,可參閱以下網址:
2007-02-03 9:04 pm
正式的士碌架(Snooker)比賽是在一張12英尺×6英尺(3569毫米×1778毫米)大小,臺面四角以及兩長邊中心位置各有一個球洞的標準球桌上進行的。在臺面的開球端有一條開球線(baulk line)。從開球端看去,開球線中點擺放著棕色球,左右兩側分別是綠色球和黃色球。記住這個擺放順序的簡便方法是記住英語中的「God Bless You」(上帝保佑你)一詞。這句話每個單詞的首字母分別對應著三種彩球的顏色英文單詞的首字母。臺面的正中央擺放著藍色球。藍球點至頂庫的中點擺放的是粉球。緊接著是15個擺放成正三角形互相接觸的紅色球。規則要求粉色球儘可能靠近頂點上的紅色球但又不可與其相接觸。黑色球則位於臺面中線,紅色球三角形底邊與頂庫的中點上。白色主球可以放置在開球線後面的半圓形的D形區域。但通常情況下選手都會選擇在棕色球與綠色球以及黃色球之間的開球線上開球。
參考: 摘錄自中文維基百科全書

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