IN or AT ???

2007-02-03 7:41 pm
_______ the restroom

應該是 IN OR AT?

或是兩個都用得 , 但是兩個用法在這個情況中有咩分別?

回答 (4)

2007-02-03 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果係restroom前面既話, 咁就一定用in, 外國人唔會用at咁奇怪

e.g. i usually brush my teeth in the restroom

e.g. is there any mirror in the restroom?

不過at可以用o係restroom後面, 用黎接地方, 如商店, 公園, 屋企等等

e.g. have u been to the restroom at KFC?

e.g. the restroom at Roger's house is very big!

參考: study in the university of queensland, australia
2007-02-03 11:38 pm
一般都是係用 in the restroom.
2007-02-03 7:47 pm
in the restroom ------ 一般的 room 都係用 in ...
參考: my knowledge
2007-02-03 7:45 pm
in the restroom
參考: myself

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