想讀fashion design

2007-02-03 10:10 am
今年F5, 一向想讀fashion design, 睇好多fashion magazine and fashion show, 真係好有興趣好鐘意.... 但係我小學中學讀Art已經覺得自己畫畫方面好似無セ天份, 我想問我究竟仲應唔應該考慮fashion design好? 因為我唔知我呢方面有無天份..... 我驚會揀錯方向到時只會浪費時間.....
同埋fashion design係咪一定Poly好D? 我無讀Art所以無profolio, 係咪無セ機會?

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
噉就要問吓自己讀黎為乜?為興趣?噉係唔係只想做個平平無奇、只幫人打工或開間舖頭仔出吓自己嘅衫嘅fashion designer。Or 在外地幫international designer 做嘢然後打出名堂又或在香港打個名堂出黎?
因為讀完Poly可以到其他地方或英國進修(I mean Royal College of Art,St. Martin.....等)番黎條路會好行D,又或留係嗰度揾機會。

Art唔好可以練,無話天唔天份,你又唔係要做Fine Artist,一切都可以將勤補拙。現在只係2月,仲有時間練和做自己個profolio用黎interview。Interview係全面睇,未必問番art既野,可能無喱頭問你最鐘意睇乜野(英文)小說,總之乜都有可能。其實佢地係想知你嘅exposure(即見識)夠唔夠,一個無high common sense and exposure嘅人讀左都係 a waste of own and other people's time and resources。
Design is a very demanding course, you have to be very sure and interested in this field. Otherwise, you can't stand the process, 你會越讀越無興趣架。

Sorry, I have to go to sleep now. I don't mind if you want more information. Pls feel free to e-mail me. But, sometimes I will need a bit of time to answer your questions.
參考: self experience
2007-02-03 10:13 am
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