2007-02-03 6:12 am
1. BNO
2. 香港特區護照
但我現在UK STUDY, 而我本身係用BNO在英國入境(有UK VISIA),但我可唔可以用香港特區護照由英國去法國呢?
有冇 人知ar~

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以. 只要你係英國出境時出示 BNO. 入法國及離開法國都用特區護照, 返回英國時再用 BNO, 就可以了.

2007-02-03 01:45:53 補充:
Oh yes... 下面的朋友講得十分正確... 德國領事館已經出左 post 了... 為何英國領事館不更新網頁, 而又為何沒有新聞報導??
2007-02-03 8:07 am
可以 ...
bno 到法國已經唔需要再簽證 ...

For holders of a BN(O) passport* since 19 January 2007 the following Schengen countries offer visa-free entry up to 90 days: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden. If however, your trip involves a visit to Austria and Portugal (including travellers in transit!), please note that you will have to obtain the appropriate visa for the entire duration of your trip prior to your departure.

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