Sensation 同 Perception 有咩分別????

2007-02-03 6:07 am
I want to know Sensation 同 Perception 有咩分別????
their meaning are very similiar i think.
a hindred thx

回答 (2)

2007-02-06 3:29 am
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響Psy. 入面,sensation同perception 好大分別喎!! 雖然人類在sensation同perception 方面差不多可以話係同步進行,但響definition上兩者係有明確的difference的。
Sensation 係最初獲得資訊的階段 (initial stages of acquiring information),係一d 與簡單外在物相關的經驗 (experience associated with simple stimuli),Psy 中更沿用Bio o野,指出sensory process係有absorption of light,係會包括sense organs 同neural pathways的 (bio呢part在Psy可以唔洗點理,你明o左就得喇~)。
Perception則係需要更高層次的腦部活動 (involve higher level of cortical activities),例如會包括篩選、組織、整合、闡釋 (selection, organization, integration and interpretation...)等;而腦部把一d 感官資訊 (sensory inputs)作出進一步處理,並「翻譯」成有意義的東西 (translate into something meaningful)這個程序就叫perception。
簡單黎講,sensation 係我地獲得資訊的簡單程序,而perception 就係資訊經過大腦分析的程序,咁最大分別未就係perception 有involve higher level of information processing而sensation只係acquire information囉~~~
參考: AL Psy notes
2007-02-03 6:36 am
例子:I felt a burning sensation on my skin.我的皮膚有一種灼熱的感覺
例子:What is your perception of the situation.你對這個情況有什麼看法?
參考: Dictionary

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