✔ 最佳答案
1) 心理 / 心態
積極方面, 自己的窮況會令到自己產生動力, 以成功人士為學習的目標, 凡事以求突破.
消極方面, 自己的窮況會令人意志消沉, 心灰意冷, 憎人富貴厭人貧
2) 言行
積極方面, 言行會比較積極, 努力改善自己現時的窮狀, 尋求改善的方法.
消極方面, 言行會比較悲觀, 對己對人漠不關心, 持放棄心態, 只會怨天尤人.
2007-02-05 05:21:07 補充:
1. 言方面的例子:a) 積極我要學習某某成功人士, 發奮圖強, 積極向上! 我相信, 只要我努力上進, 我一定會有出人頭地的一日.實例: 《希望在明天廣告》四眼仔: 你點知今日會好天架?陸軍裝: 唔知架, 希望在明天丫嘛.一齊講: 生命滿希望, 前路由我創.b) 消極我這樣失敗, 是別人不給我機會, 是全世界都對我特別不公平, 就連上天討厭我, 就算我努力都不會有前途的了...實例: 《希望在明天廣告》四眼仔: 打波先黎落雨, 唔通連個天都唔鍾意我?
2007-02-05 05:21:24 補充:
2) 行方面的例子:a) 積極努力進修, 努力工作, 努力兼職, 以換取更佳的工作表現, 以換來更多的收入, 以博取上司、客人、親朋戚友及社會大眾的認同.b) 消極做事散慢、敷衍了事、推卸責任, 甚至自暴自棄, 放棄自力更新的念頭, 只依靠家人、朋友、親戚及政府的救濟. 有些人更加連政府的綜緩也懶得去申請, 決定行乞渡日, 露宿街頭, 甚至步入自殺一途.... 嗚呼哀哉...
2007-02-05 05:32:11 補充:
to回答者 :yukaren34 回答時間:2007-02-04 00:48:03我和你提及的"A"君有差不多的經歷.給知己好友請我我吃大魚大肉的大茶飯, 和知音同好一同分享奢靡豪華的生活享受, 讓我不用花上一分一錢, 便可以感受到中產甚至富豪級的生活, 真的令我大開眼界, 令我覺得很開心, 很著數, 我衷心的多謝我的良朋知己. 我沒有感到嫉妒, 因為我知道我的好友們不是 (亦無需要) 在我這個窮朋友面前炫耀自己的家財, 而是真心的和我分享他的生活.不知你所講的"A"君, 會不會與我有相同的感受呢?
2007-02-07 23:52:57 補充:
to回答者 :yukaren34 補充時間:2007-02-05 18:46你說得無錯. 「不要總站在自己的角度,嘗試站出來想想!」人內心的想法, 可以簡而言之為心理分析. 此為極深奧而又難作總論的學問. 既然可以有不同的角度去思考, 我們為何又要以負面的角度去看待自己的朋友呢? 最清楚你朋友的, 是你朋友本人, 你又何必充當心理學家, 去分析別人的內心呢? 當你學會think positive and think in multi-directions, 你會對你朋友有另一番的想法.
2007-02-14 16:45:51 補充:
To:Question Owner, Supplementary Time:2007-02-10 15:25:29Your example quoted in the final question is not a good question. This is an subjunctive question with leading information. The main confusing point is how to distinguish between 扮有錢 and 真正有錢.
2007-02-14 16:46:31 補充:
To most of the people in the world, 有錢 is to discribe those people who are able to expand money. Therefore, whom you defined as 扮有錢 in the example should be 有錢 for most of the people.
2007-02-14 16:47:31 補充:
On the other hand, RICH is a comparative word. To most of the people in Hong Kong, middle class family of income over HK$50k per month should be rich. To Golf Club of entrance fee of over HK$1million, those middle class family may NOT be RICH enough to apply for the membership for those golf club.
2007-02-14 16:55:56 補充:
After all, Money is JUST a kind of tool for exchange of goods and services. Therefore, not only for those are POOR but also for EVERY ONE, the one can spend money can proof that he has money and he is able to spend money.
2007-02-14 16:56:09 補充:
On the other words, if the one can spend MORE money in a certain period of time than another one can, he is RICHER than the other.
2007-02-14 16:58:20 補充:
However, there is no a absolute definition for a 真正有錢的人 because RICH is a comparative word.
2007-02-14 17:06:18 補充:
to回答者:yukaren34補充時間:2007-02-11 14:02I totally agree with your point:"每個人都有不同的性格,不同的感受。看法及成長路程各有不同。" and "We should not PREJUDICE against any one".I wonder whether 經常花費金錢的人 should always be spending their parents' money.
2007-02-14 17:11:13 補充:
Also, we should not mislead others the meaning of RICH by adding the following meaning to RICH: "a rich man should not spending the money provided by their parents."
2007-02-14 17:11:30 補充:
To those who are poor, if they want to be rich, they should care about whether others are richer than them or not so as to learn and follow their way to gain money.As you said, "Different angles LEADS different answers."
2007-02-15 01:32:23 補充:
支持自己, 對自己的肯定, 是讓我努力向上的動力之一, 亦是唯一能支持自繼續生存的原因...
眾裏尋他「已」千百度「了」, 驀然回首, 那人「會否」在燈火蘭冊處「呢」?