
2007-02-03 4:43 am
我想問一下中學常問問題(英文中學)? 寫英文問題 寫咪中文解釋 Thank you!

回答 (5)

2007-02-03 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Introducing yourself (自我介紹)
2. Tell me something about your school life (講一些關於你的校園生活)
3. Why do you choose this school (你為什麼選擇這間學校)
4. What is your expectancy of this school (你對這間學校有什麼期望)
5. Why do we need to choose you (我們為什麼要選你)
6. Tell me about your interests/ favourite subject,etc (講一些關於你的興趣/喜愛的科目...)
7. Did you join any volenteer work? (你有沒有參加義工服務)

P.S 有D學校會俾一段文章你, 睇完之後會要你朗讀, 之後再問你文章中的生字
I hope this information will be useful. Thanks.
參考: myself
2007-02-03 11:18 pm
1. can you introduce yourself (自我介紹)
2. do you think your revision time is enough (你覺得溫習時間夠嗎?)
3. describle the school you are studing and school life (介紹在學生活情况)
4. tell me some thing about your family (介紹你的家人)
5. what do you want to be when you grow up?why? (長大後想做什麼?為什麼?)
6. teell us briefly about your interests, a book ,school life and the strength
2007-02-03 5:41 am
1tell me something about yourself.說一些關於你自己的事。
2where do you live ?你住在那。
2007-02-03 5:18 am
1)點解你會中意呢間學校 2)自我介紹 3)最近睇話咩書 4)你最喜歡什麼課外活動?為什麼 5)你最喜歡是什麼科目?為什麼?
我面試就系大約問呢d 預備下la 對你冇壞嫁^^
參考: 自己@@
2007-02-03 4:48 am
why do you like this school ??
what is your favourite sports??
參考: me

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