NOD32 既問題 ??  急急急

2007-02-03 4:16 am
NOD32 Kernel Service發生問題,必須關閉,謹此致歉。 <<< nod32成日彈呢舊野出黎。..

nod 32 成日彈呢個野出黎...點算..我禁更新就更新唔到~..........係咩問題 ??

回答 (2)

2007-02-04 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

i had this problem before, because i tried to install one NOD software on 2 computers, but it showed "NOD32 Kernel Service發生問題,必須關閉,謹此致歉。"

after i uninstalled one of them and the other one work very well and have no updated problem.

option 2:

or may need to uninstall and install again because some file may be missing!

good luck, hope it helps!
2007-02-03 5:25 am
嘗試重新安裝 NOD32


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