
2007-02-03 3:33 am
I think he is sick.
You can learn the skill of the sport you choose.
第一句 think 同 is 唔係都係verb咩?

learn 同choose 唔係都錯咩?

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think he is sick.
這個句型是 " 主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞 "
其中 , I 是主詞 , think 是動詞 , he is sick 是受詞 ,
that he is sick 是名詞子句 , 作名詞用 ,
原句是 : I think that he is sick , 通常省略 that ,

[ I ] + [ think ] + [ he is sick ]
名詞 + 動詞 + 受詞


You can learn the skill of the sport you choose.
這個句型是 " 主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞 "
其中 , You 是主詞 , can learn 是動詞 , the skill of the sport you choose 是受詞 ,
which you choose 是形容詞子句 , 作形容詞用 , 修飾 the sport ,
原句是 : the sport which you choose 或 the sport that you choose ,
省略為 : the sport you choose ,
[ the sport you choose ] 整個詞組是名詞片語 , 作名詞 ,
the skill of [ the sport you choose ] 意為 " 你所選擇的該運動的技能 " ,
the skill of the sport you choose 整個詞組是名詞片語 , 作名詞 ,
亦是動詞 learn 的受詞 ,

[ You ] + [ can learn ] + [ the skill of the sport you choose ]
主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞
2007-02-03 5:35 am
1.I think he is sick. 其實全寫應是︰I think “that”he is sick.
當中I think 是一個clause (即有verb 的完整句子),而he is sick 是第二個clause. 只不過用以分別(連繫)兩個clause 的“that”給省略了。

2.此句應是︰You can learn the skill of the sport chosen.

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