f.2maths (請過來啦!!)

2007-02-03 3:08 am
1.Patrick borrows $23000 from a finance company.The interest is compounded monthly.He will repay the amount 21 months later.If the interest rates for the first 10 months and the remaining 11 months are 12% p.a. and 14% p.a. respectively, what is the amount he will repay 21 months later?

呢題係compound interest~~

幫我解答下啦~~ ^_^

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer
= 23000 (1+(12/12)%)^10 (1+(14/12)%)^11
2007-02-03 4:24 am
23000×(1+12% /12)^10×(1+14% /12)^11
參考: king

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