McPHIL 點解? Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy係咩科目??

2007-02-03 2:34 am
MPhil係研究生,咁McPHIL 意思係咪一樣???
另外,大學係咪有一個科目叫Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy???請問係關於咩類型??讀啲咩內容同埋邊到有得讀???

回答 (1)

2007-02-03 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
MPhil = Master of Philosophy
大學係有一個科目叫Philosophy哲學,屬於Faculty of Arts

"Philosophy can be described in many ways. It is a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for understanding, a study of principles of conduct. It seeks to establish standards of evidence, to provide rational methods of resolving conflicts, and to create techniques for evaluating ideas and arguments. Philosophy is also concerned with problems whose solutions does not depend on discovering new facts, but rather on ways of thinking about facts. The essential tool of philosophy is reasoning."

2007-02-02 21:35:54 補充:
以下是中文大學哲學系網址及其解說:" 簡單來說,哲學研究就是在抽象的層面上反思世界、人生及思維之種種問題。大多數人都曾思考過哲學問題,可能只是不察覺自己在作「哲學思考」而已" "哲學探究的目的,就是以理性的批判精神,反省及審察生活的種種事物及價值。"港大哲學學部:

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