英文Past Tense同Present Perfect Tense有何分別?

2007-02-03 2:04 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-03 2:22 am
看到這字就用Past Tense:ago yesterday before last in the past this morning
(變動)Verb+不規則 E.G:went/go

而看到這字就用Present Perfect Tense:just since for yet already
He,she it------has
+(變動)Verb+不規則 E.G:given/give
I we they------have

Past :Simple past tense (簡單過去式)
Past continuous tense (過去進行式)
Past perfect tense (過去完成式)

Present:Simple present tense (簡單現在式).
Present continuous tense(現在進行式)
Present perfect tense(現在完成式)

Future :Simple future tense (簡單將來式)
Future continuous tense (將來進行式)
Future perfect tense(將來完成式)
2007-02-03 2:16 am
Simple Past Tense ﹝一般過去時態﹞
* 這種時態的動詞常與表示過去的副詞同用。

現在:We go now.
Do we go now?
He goes now.
Does he go now?
過去:He went yesterday.
Did he go yesterday?

現在:We often read newspapers.
過去:We read that newspaper yesterday.
*"read"的過去式亦是" read",只是讀音不同。

現在:Can you swim?
過去:Could you swim last year?

現在:You may go.
過去:You might go yesterday but why did you not go?

現在:Where are you?
過去:Where were you yesterday?
I was / you were / he was / we were / you were / they were

現在:There are ten students in the classroom.
過去:There were ten students in the classroom.

現在:Why do you not go to school?
過去:Why did you not go to school yesterday?
*"go to school"表示為了上課而去學校,不用"the";
"go to the school"表示為了其他目的而去學校,要用"the"。

Present Perfect Tense
§ Present Perfect Tense
have / has + 動詞的過去分詞
(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。
I have written a letter now.
I have written a letter this morning.
* 如果說話時仍屬早上,句子是對的。
I have written a letter this week.
* 如果說話時仍屬這個星期,句子是對的。
I have written a letter this month.
* 如果說話時仍屬這個月,句子是對的。
I have written a letter yesterday. ﹝錯誤﹞
* 說話時不屬於昨天,句子是錯的。
應說:I wrote a letter yesterday.﹝我昨天寫了一封信。﹞
Has he gone?﹝他已走了嗎〈剛走了嗎〉?﹞
Yes, he has gone.﹝他已走了〈剛走了〉。﹞
No, he has not gone.﹝他仍未走。﹞

When has he gone?﹝他何時候剛走了?﹞ ﹝錯誤﹞
* 錯誤有:1. 文法上的錯誤Grammatical mistake
2. 邏輯上的錯誤Logical mistake
應說:When did he go?﹝他何時走了。﹞
He went yesterday.﹝他昨天走了。﹞

動詞的現在完成時態不能與 "when" 這個疑問副詞同用,
Where has he gone?﹝他剛到哪裏去?﹞
Why has he gone?﹝他為何剛走了?﹞
How has he gone?﹝他剛才怎樣走的?﹞

I have gone.﹝我已走了。﹞﹝錯誤﹞
You have gone.﹝你己走了。﹞﹝錯誤﹞
He has gone.﹝他已走了。﹞﹝正確﹞
* 頭兩句犯了邏輯上的錯誤。
I have come.﹝我已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞
You have come.﹝你已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞
He has come.﹝他已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞
Where have you been?﹝你去過哪裏?﹞
I have been to City Hall.﹝我去過大會堂。﹞
I have been to school.﹝我上學回來。﹞
I have been to the school.﹝我到過學校。﹞
*"to school"為上課而到學校;"to the school"為其他目的而到學校。
I have been to market.﹝我買菜回來。﹞
I have been to the market.﹝我到過菜市場。﹞
I have been to hospital.﹝我看病回來。﹞
I have been to the hospital.﹝我到過醫院〈多指探病〉。﹞
Have you been sick?
Yes, I have been sick.
Yes, I have been sick for ten days.
How long have you been sick?﹝你病了多久?﹞
I have been sick for a month.
Have you been in America?﹝你到過美國嗎?﹞
Yes, I have been in America twice.﹝我到過美國兩次。﹞
Have you been at Shatin?﹝你到過沙田嗎?﹞
Yes, I have been at Shatin.﹝我到過沙田。﹞
Have you seen that movie?﹝你看過那齣電影嗎?﹞
Yes, I have seen that movie.﹝我看過那齣電影。﹞
2007-02-03 2:13 am
Past Tense 係講你之前做過d咩...發生d咩...過去左既野
Present Perfect Tense 係強調「已經」做左. 完成左. 或未曾完成等等

大部分既Past Tense 係有「Last」month~ Yesterday, 3 years 「ago」等既字眼
Present Perfect Tense 通常都有yet already, since, for 等...或者無任何既字眼...

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