$39,000 -- BB 也移民

2007-02-03 1:53 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-04 1:23 am
好平,好似係大陸生第2個要十幾萬,對佢吔來講算好平, 如果政府加到10萬都有可能會到hk生,不過可能去私家醫院生.
2007-02-03 1:57 am
I think you must ve referring to the women coming from the Mainland to have their babies born in HK!!! Yes, it is very cheap!!! If you look at the US or UK or other western countries, if you are not resident there it will cost you a lot more to use their medical facilities. Why can't HK government charge them more for using ours? If they want to come, they will have to pay for it! If they complain about the high charges, who cares!!!
2007-02-03 1:56 am
無可能叫超平呀 不過e家好多大陸落黎既人都好有錢 為左子女的將來 花少少錢都好既

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