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tarot card
Five of Wands
1st Position
Focuses on internal struggles with intention or exercising your personal integrity in a way that does not create conflict.
2nd Position
You want to learn to handle the situations in your life more effectively and are driven by a need to resolve a current conflict with someone of importance - perhaps even yourself.
3rd Position
Inner disquiet, feeling as though you have compromised who you really are, tired of obstacles, fearing more trouble ahead. The tendency here is to have your feelings bruised too easily by others. Brooding over the behaviors of others only hurts you ultimately. Sometimes people are difficult, don't give your power away by allowing others to get the upper hand over you.
Inner conflict and unruly emotions only hurt you more ultimately.
4th Position
You tend to sometimes not look at things as they truly are. Be willing to be open to the ideas of others. Disagreements don't necessarily mean you are under personal attack. Battles of egos never result in a permanent solution, and can lead to more troubles ultimately. Conflict is inevitable, but combat can be avoided. Reflect on what truly matters, peace starts within and can be attainable no matter what conditions are present in the outer world. On a personal level, open up to exploring the conflicting aspects of your nature, doing so will help you to know/understand your own hidden desires and motivations.
5th Position
Be open to compromise, but if a compromise can't be reached don't resort to argument, just agree to disagree and work on a solution from there. Sometimes the best solutions come from the challenges of diversity. Learn to use conflict as a bridge, or a stepping stone to growth and not as a barricade to progress. In matters of internal conflict learn to be less critical of yourself. Self-acceptance is a great tool for peace.