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中文名: 魚膠片
英文名: Gelatine
英文簡寫: 無
分類: 膠質
說明: 從英文名 Gelatine 譯音而來。它是從動物的骨頭(多為牛骨或魚骨)提煉出來的膠質,主要成分為蛋白質。魚膠片的應用非常的廣,從食品加工、西藥膠囊、中藥藥材、化妝品、釀酒及粘合木材等等,都有它的蹤跡。因為應用的不同,使用的魚膠片等級不同,為了最終產品所加的添加物也不同,但工業用途的魚膠片不在超市販售。不是工業用途的魚膠片則在超市販售
* Where to buy Gelatine?
The gelatine sheet is only available at a few supermarkets like City Super and it costs around $25 per pack. I suggest you can buy the gelatine powder at the supermarket. It is similar to gelatine sheet and you can find it on the shelf where they are selling the Jelly Powder.
Or you may buy it at Baking Warehouse or even online.
It is located at 觀塘開源道72號,溢財中心4樓E室. You may get there in half an hour
Hope it helps and sorry that I am not good at typing Chinese.