
2007-02-02 7:08 pm

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Arron Yan

Background information
Birth name 吳庚霖 / Wu Geng Lin
Born November 20, 1986 (age 20)

Genre(s) Mandarin Pop
Occupation(s) Musician, Actor
Instrument(s) piano, flute
Label(s) HIM International Music
acts Fahrenheit

Arron Yan is a Taiwanese actor and musician. He is currently a member of the boy band Fahrenheit.

[edit] Biography
Arron Yan is the youngest member of Fahrenheit. He was born on November 20, 1986 in Taiwan. His real name is 吳庚霖 / Wu Geng Lin, and his stage name is 炎亞綸 / Yan Ya Lun. He can speak and understand Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Cantonese. He is currently attending Chinese Cultural University and majoring in journalism.

[edit] TV Series
安室愛美惠 / An Shi Ai Mei Hui / I Love My Wife (2004)
惡作劇之吻 / E Zuo Ju Zhi Wen / It Started With A Kiss (2005) cameo
終極一班 / Zhong Ji Yi Ban / KO One (2005)
終極一家 / Zhong Ji Yi Jia / The Ultimate Family (2007) upcoming drama

[edit] Music Career
See Fahrenheit

[edit] External Links
H.I.M International Music
Only Fahrenheit English Forum
Arron's Blog
Arron Yan Ya Lun English Forum
2007-02-06 2:55 am
本名 (real name) :吳庚霖 Wu Keng Lin
藝名 (stage name) :炎亞綸 Arron
匿稱 (nickname) :阿布 (ah bu)
生日 (birth date) : 1985/11/20
星座 (horoscope) :天蠍座 Scorpio
血型 (blood type) : O
身高 (height) : 175 公分 CM
體重 (weight) : 60 公斤 KG
學歷 (Education): 文化大學新聞系 Chinese Cultural University studying Journalism
語言 (languages) :國語 Chinese 、英語 English
嗜好 (hobbies) :籃球 basketball 、跳舞 dancing 、唱歌 singing 、交朋友 making new friends 、愛搞怪
最喜歡的團體 (favorite band) :信樂團 Shin
最喜歡的男演員 (favorite actor) :劉德華 Andy Lau
最喜歡的女演員 (favorite actress) :林依晨 Ariel Lin
最喜歡的男歌手 (favorite male singer) :哈林 Harlem Yu 、林俊傑 JJ Lin
最喜歡的女歌手 (favorite female singer) :林凡 Freya Lin 、梁靜茹 Fish Leung

演藝經歷 (Experiences):

戲劇 (series he has contributed)
2005 惡作劇之吻 It started with a Kiss
2005 安室愛美惠 An Shi Ai Mei Hui
2005 終極一班 KO One
比賽 Competitions
2004 新光三越第二屆陽光男孩選拔台北區 ( 初賽 )


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