女仔做得多sit up, 會唔會有6舊腹肌ga?

2007-02-02 5:27 pm

回答 (6)

2007-02-02 5:36 pm
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會!!! 果d好大隻既女仔咪咁囉~
不過...of coz唔好睇啦!!!
唔想咁~ 好簡單! 因為練到好似佢地咁先難~
所以...i suggest每日sit up少少, 就可以减肚臍仔架喇~ =)
參考: me
2007-02-13 6:28 pm
good ans.
2007-02-03 2:37 am
If you do 100 sit up per day, I still don't think you will have distinguish 腹肌.

2007-02-02 18:40:14 補充:
I used to do karate and do quite a lot of sit up and press up, but never found 6 packs, not even 4 packs.
2007-02-02 8:57 pm
腹肌可以話好易練, 又可以話好難練, 妳都知有6舊咁多, 一般都只可以練到上面4舊, 但要成日做先得....至於下面果兩舊, 係要同隻腳配合先得, sit up時隻腳要第上黎, 而且係好難練ge...
妳可以睇下呢個web site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sit-up_%28exercise%29
The sit-up is a strength training exercise. To perform it, a person lies down on the floor with their knees bent at a 90 degree angle, they then sit up without moving their knees. The hands are placed behind the head or neck, across the chest, or are straightened out parallel to the body. It is intended to work the abdominal muscles, but it also utilises the hip flexors and lower back. This imprecise targeting of the abdominal muscles has caused sit-ups to be replaced by crunches as the most common abdominal exercise.
Many people do many sit ups each day in an attempt to gain a 'six pack', but abdominal exercises may need to be combined with some form of cardiovascular exercise such as running to lower body fat to allow the abdominal muscles to be seen.
所以呢, 要姿勢正確先可以做腹肌, 如果妳只係想到平d同實d, 日日練都ok ga la, 如果唔想太大舊, 咁練到平同實既時候就停練幾日law
2007-02-02 6:31 pm
2007-02-02 5:39 pm
以平常人的運動量應該不會, 那些是每天練上幾小時的後果, 你唔會練幾個鐘吓.

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