
2007-02-02 1:58 pm

回答 (2)

2007-02-02 2:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can read singtao or ming pao...... there are a lot of advertisements

the disadvantage is you should take all the liabilities of previous owner...

so you should take the risk of hidden things... e.g unpaid management/government

rates and rent/the maintenance fee for the slope behind the properties//

so you should ask some people ( e.g. lawyer ) to check for you before trading
參考: myself
2007-02-02 5:06 pm
你可以看星島星期六副刊,似是"睇樓王", 關於樓盤, 內裹有很多銀主盤. 銀主盤主要是比市場的平好多(但已經是數年前的事) 現在是個別例子. 無野好, 因為銀主盤一定是前業主供唔到樓, 才被銀行或財務公司收回釘契, 所以買銀主盤要小心.

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