GCSE choices!!! French or Spanish? (10marks)

2007-02-02 11:23 am
I am going to choose a language subject for my GCSE. Should I choose French or Spanish? I have learnt French for nearly a year but the base was not very good. In the other side, I have learnt spanish since september last year. I am sure that my base is better than French. However, I have to study very hard to know all of the stuff for GCSE in spanish.

What should I choose?! Please consider of the places that I am going to use these languages in the future. thx! (10marks!)

Also, I want to be an accountant or a banker in the future. Which one will be more useful for me?

回答 (3)

2007-02-02 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Helloooooooooooooo I did both for my GCSE if you can do both then why not? But if u can only pick one then spanish is probably a better option coz its easy...u wanna get A* ma ^_^ but honestly, if you are not considering doing either for your A level...then it doesnt really make a BIG difference to your future career...coz... its only GCSE... so go for the one that u prefer most...

accountant or banker... i think the company will appreciate any language skills to be honest...

hope it helps ^_^

best of luck with ur GCSE exams!im sure u will be fine
2007-02-02 11:57 am
you can actually choose both,
spainish and french are both very useful in europe
of corse,
you can use your best one and you favitour one as you first choose
and left the other one for your second choose
it is all depend on which one is your favitour and which one you perfer,
but it is hard to study a lot of languges
you not not just study because you are good at it,
you are studying at it because you like it and enjoy it and it is useful to you,
you got to be very clear that if you don't really like that subject it is useless for you to perfer that one,

best wish,
best luck,
2007-02-02 11:34 am
If I were you, I'll choose SPANISH.
It's because it's one of the top 3 languages that people speak.
You can use this language in parts of U.S.A., or in Southern America.

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