
2007-02-02 11:05 am
迷你果隻寵物豬,邊間寵物店有得賣? 請提供地址及查詢電話。

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
= =唔好因為豬年而養豬~

咁樣既想法好唔要得= =
2007-02-04 3:57 am
North Point和富中心商場有一間叫紅羅白,
2007-02-02 1:25 pm
dont get pet pig, they are very smelly and cry all the time.
some store even cheat you, and say it is pet pig...
and after some months, the pet pig will block your door....

my friend's experience in 2003.

alien :)

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