MPF 係咪可以扣減薪俸稅 (Salary Tax) 呀?

2007-02-02 9:08 am
MPF 係咪可以扣減薪俸稅 (Salary Tax) 呀?

回答 (4)

2007-02-06 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. It is deductibale. But, Max per year is $12000 from your salary. If you say contribute more than $12000 per year anything exceed this amount would not be deductible. Also, you need to fill up full amount of your salary in salary tax refturn. Say you earn $100,000 per year after deduct MPF 95000. You still need to fill up $100,000 in your salary tax return. There is one item called "MPF" you can fill up =5000 (100,000x 5%). Remember do not fill up $95000 in ur tax return. That's doesn't match ur tax return registered from your co vs. yours fill up in personal tax return.
2008-09-24 1:30 am
The website can help you. and
2007-02-02 6:11 pm
MPF 可以用作扣減薪俸稅,不過只限顧員的<強制性供款>部份。


參考: 多年會計 / 財務經驗
2007-02-02 9:15 am
係可以既, 你要報稅時寫清楚, 如果稅局收多你, 你可以打電話比佢地追返, 稅單上面右上角有tel #及你既稅單編號, 你同佢地講就得嫁喇

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