國泰 人工幾多??

2007-02-02 8:19 am
我mean做空姐,做地勤,做customer servies 個d

回答 (3)

2007-02-04 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
國泰空姐同地勤都係時薪制﹐不過有basic salary(working hrs)

空姐俾地勤多D人工同多D假﹐而家應該係$9X蚊一個鐘+allowance大概$1000-$3000,depends on long haul or short haul

地勤就多勞多得﹐OT無任歡迎~Airside(一入去做)$48一個鐘(過probation 前後一樣$)﹐194個鐘以後$60﹐220鐘or above$70﹐另外返0600前OR放0000後有$112allowance.off OT $70(mon-fri) or $140 (sat,sun n 紅日)﹐打8號/黑雨$400﹐返13個鐘以上(即whole day)有兩個meal break

2007-02-04 00:49:53 補充:
2007-02-03 1:34 am
OT is a must for ground staff! No exemption for everybody!若果你唔想ot架話,就有面色同說話聽,所以我覺得要識做lor,唔哂o好多,但係一個月十個鐘咪豪俾佢lor,而且有錢收架!
仲有crew basis salary 唔係9000喎......
2007-02-02 9:10 am
Fo cabin crew, they are counting salary on your flying hours. They garantee you will fly at least 70 hours. Basic $9000 some, plus all allowance will be around $13000.

For customer service officer, basic+allowance around $9600-$9800. And of course there will be OT la, and you can choose you want to OT or not. So if you want more money, you can ask for OT. CX has stable working hours and on shift, you don't need to OT if you want to.
參考: self

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