英文高手請進~ cripple 呢個字點用? 20分

2007-02-02 6:51 am
補習教話可以cripple the develpment~~!
仲可以cripple d乜野~~

回答 (2)

2007-02-02 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
cripple = 殘廢
can cripple the traffic, cripple the person, cripple the access, cripple the running of (e.g a company)
traffic, access, running of 等都係一d要有次序地進行geh野
呢d 野都可以cripple (使其殘廢、不暢順)
參考: myself + yahoo dictionary
2007-02-02 7:20 am
1. 跛子;殘廢的人
My father was a cripple
1. 使成跛子;使殘廢
The accident crippled him for life.
2. 損壞;嚴重削弱;使陷入癱瘓
The traffic was entirely crippled for the day.

–noun 1. Sometimes Offensive. a. a person or animal that is partially or totally unable to use one or more limbs; a lame or disabled person or animal.
b. a person who is disabled or impaired in any way: a mental cripple.

2. anything that is impaired or flawed.
3. a wounded animal, esp. one shot by a hunter.
4. Carpentry. any structural member shorter than usual, as a stud beneath a window sill.
5. Delaware Valley. a swampy, densely overgrown tract of land.
–verb (used with object) 6. to make a cripple of; lame.
7. to disable; impair; weaken.
–adjective 8. Carpentry. jack1 (def. 27).


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