I have a question

2007-02-02 4:48 am
Why we say daydream use present cintinuous tense??

回答 (7)

2007-02-03 2:45 am
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Why do we use 'daydream' in the present continuous tense?
你的問題未夠詳盡, 沒有指出想知道的是那一點, 不過我嘗試盡量解答:
(1) 'Daydream+ing’ used as a gerund (動名詞)。作「動名詞」的‘daydreaming’是非常普遍的用法, 與網友說daydream是“an action” 又或“daydream continuously”無關。「動名詞」的‘daydreaming’例句有(a) Daydreaming may hinder your studies 發白日夢可能妨礙你的學業;(b) Some psychologists are of the opinion that daydreaming can be constructive in certain aspects, for instance in creative or artistic careers 部份心理學家認為白日夢在某些情況下亦有建設性, 特別是關於講求創造力或藝術性的職業來說。
(2) 'Daydreaming’ as a verb。如果我們說某人在某段時間或某個環境下正在發白日夢, 那當然是用進行式的daydreaming。例如(a) He wasn't listening to you, he was daydreaming then 他沒有留意你說些什麼, 當時他正發白日夢;(b) She is always daydreaming about being a movie star 她時刻都發白日夢, 幻想自己是明星。注意, ‘進行式’ 不一定是present continuous tense, 亦可以是past continuous tense。
‘Daydream’同時又是名詞(noun), 作名詞的‘daydream’不加 ing。例如 (a) She stared into the distance, apparently lost in a daydream 她凝望遠處, 顯然是迷失在白日夢中;(b) Sometimes daydreams can ease my mind 有時白日夢可以舒緩我的憂慮。
2007-11-05 7:22 pm
2007-02-02 5:40 am
We say daydream is using the present continuos tense, because:

1. 'to daydream' is an action
2. you daydream continuously
3. it is also in the present tense
2007-02-02 5:18 am
It is because daydream is a action.When we 講夢哥陣will say what is the deam about that what are you deaming at that moment.

I hope I can help you,you are welcome,no thx!
2007-02-02 4:55 am
2007-02-02 4:54 am
It's beause daydream is 進行 時.
2007-02-02 4:54 am
Because it is a long action.
One does not daydream just for one second.
But if one is doing this before we use past continous tense.
Can I help you??

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