3988 跌到幾時

2007-02-02 4:07 am
我$4.1入了2000股, 現在跌到3.82.
我應該繼續買多d, 或是放貨.

回答 (6)

2007-02-03 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now chinese government is trying to cool down the property market and stop people from borrowing to invest (and I think this is a good move), this will affect the banks share price a lot. So in the next 3 months the chance of 3988 get back to $4.1 is not high. But it has a very good chance to go back to $4.1 in 6 months, afterall 6% growth in half a year for the big bank share is more than reasonable when the country economy grew 10% last year. So buy or sell is depends on your cash flow.
If you want to buy more bank shares, I suggest you to buy 939 rather than 3988. Afterall 939 has P/E around 20, less than 3988 P/E 28. Besides diversify is better.
Don't buy it now, although there is a small gain today, but may be it's because people think that it's low then buy it. The government policy effect may not have finished, so it may still drops next week. You should buy it when the share price is steady (small gain/loss) for a few days.
2007-02-03 3:36 am
今天跌完,下星期開始抄1398入藍籌,中行都應該會升到4元,應該繼續買多一倍,4元出貨。下次得幾千元買股票,買窩論啦,跌少少幾千元都 LOST,不用問人,離場吧!
2007-02-02 7:09 am
2007-02-02 5:29 am
幾千蚊, 唔等用就長渣啦, 呢期轉抄地產, 我都係高位入左建行939, 5.01蚊入左5千股呀, 日日都係咁跌, 我都冇理佢, 因為我諗住渣一年, 目標價5.77, 如到時真係去唔到呢個價, 又上唔返買o個個價, 咁咪算囉, 錢姐, 入得市就預左輸, 錢冇左咪搵過囉.
2007-02-02 5:11 am
你買咗2000股, 如你當初係短線投資到現價虧損未夠百分十都不須要止蝕。現在你就當係長線投資。期望幾年後有好境, 例子中國人壽(2628)。上市幾年升咗幾倍, 因為國內較為大嘅企業抱有一種唔衰得嘅心態。

參考: 國內上市嘅股票
2007-02-02 4:34 am
所以我建議暫時抱觀望態度,以及你只持有2000股 3988 ,可以不理會現時股價波幅,作長線投資吧。

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