essential question 2

2007-02-02 2:17 am
The where, Why, and How of Solving a^x=logax.
1. How the graphs of f(x)=a^x and g(x)=logax. behave for 0<1 and for a>1?
2. Specifically for a>1, what values of a cause these functions to intersect once? What values cause them to intersect twice?

回答 (1)

2007-02-03 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
For a>1,
y = f(x) = a^x is strictly increasing,
with +ve slope increasing with x.
 When x→-∞, y→0 (y is always +ve).
 When x = 0, y = 1.
 When x→+∞, y→+∞.
y = g(x) = log{base a}x is strictly increasing,
with +ve slope decreasing (but always +ve slope) with x.
 When x→0 (x is always +ve), y→-∞.
 When x = 1, y = 0.
 When x→+∞, y→+∞.

For 0<a<1,
y = f(x) = a^x is a mirror image of "y = f(x)" above, mirrored about y-axis.
y = g(x) = log{base a}x is a mirror image of "y = g(x)" above, mirrored about x-axis.

2007-02-03 00:01:10 補充:
Q.2y = f(x) = a^x is equivalent to x = log{base a} y = g(y).y = g(x) = log{base a} x is equivalent to x = a^y = f(y).Therefore, y = f(x) can be inter-changed with y = g(x), by inter-changing the x- and y-axes.

2007-02-03 00:01:24 補充:
In other words, the graph of y = g(x) is symmetric to that of y = f(x), mirrored about the line y = x.Therefore, the intersection points of y=f(x) and y=g(x) must be on the line y = x.

2007-02-03 00:31:15 補充:
That means,- if y=f(x) cuts y=x at 2 points, that means y=f(x) intersects twice with y=g(x).- if y=f(x) touches y=x at 1 point, that means y=f(x) touches y=g(x) once.- if x<f(x) for all x, that means y=f(x) does not intersect with y=g(x).

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