
2007-02-01 10:24 pm


仲有....食左有咩好處? ☆謝謝大家~!

回答 (2)

2007-02-02 1:31 am
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Health & Nutrition Information
The Romans prized wild strawberries for their medicinal properties. Ounce for ounce, strawberries have more Vitamin C than citrus fruit. According to the American Cancer Society, foods rich in Vitamin C may lower the risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries (166 grams)

Calories 50
Protein 1 gram
Carbohydrates 11.65 grams
Dietary Fiber 3.81 grams
Calcium 23.24 mg
Iron 0.63 mg
Magnesium 16.60 mg
Phosphorus 31.54 mg
Potassium 44.82 mg
Selenium 1.16 mg
Vitamin C 94.12 mg
Folate 29.38 mcg
Vitamin A 44..82 IU
Adding strawberries to your breakfast cereal and eating a spinach salad for lunch may help you fight cancer, heart disease and other ills, new findings suggests.
That's because strawberries and spinach have as much ability to counteract damaging oxygen-free radicals in the body as a large dose of vitamin C, according to researchers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
In a study of eight elderly women, special drinks made from strawberry or spinach extracts each boosted the women's antioxidant capacity by 20 percent. That's as much as taking 1,250 milligrams of vitamin C, reported Ronald L. Prior of the USDA's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.
Vitamin C and other antioxidants protect the body by gobbling up the oxygen-free radicals that damage cells and are believed to promote cancer, heart disease and aging.
In an earlier laboratory study, the researchers found that strawberries and spinach had the highest antioxidant capacity of 40 common fruits and vegetables. The new study was designed to determine whether eating these foods would actually translate into greater antioxidant capacity in the human body.
Not commercially available, the strawberry and spinach drinks were the equivalent of about 8 to 10 ounces of the fruit or vegetable. "That is about the amount of spinach found in one bag or about one pint of strawberries," said researcher Neal Lischner.
"Both spinach and strawberries are nutrient-dense foods, so it makes sense that they would top the list of fruits and vegetables" containing antioxidants, said Felicia Busch, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association in Chicago.
"The easiest way to get spinach into your diet is to stop buying iceberg lettuce, and use spinach or other dark green leafy vegetables in salads," Busch said. Spinach and strawberries are also good sources of folic acid--a B vitamin that is needed for cell growth. "Strawberries are actually real good on top of spinach," she added.
Medical Tribune News Service

2007-02-01 17:34:27 補充:
Strawberries are produced in California One cup has around 50 calories and the berry is high in fiber, vitamin C, folate, potassium and antioxidants. The strawberry is the only fruit that has seeds on the outside - there are roughly 200 seeds on each one.
2007-02-01 10:33 pm


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